

Monday: 10 miles pacemaster 1:05:00
5 miles gym 32:30

Tuesday: 10 miles gym 1:05:00

Wednesday: 5 miles pacemaster 32:30

Thursday: 5 miles pacemaster 32:30

Friday: 5 miles 32:30

Saturday: 3 miles 20:00

Sunday: 27 miles MCM 2:36 - 70 miles

Wish I ran the half. Thought i could run 230 and place top 3.


DoubleJ said...

I'm sensing a taper...5 miles per day last 2 days.... Good luck at Manchester!

casey said...

Nostradamus, you still holding to the prediction

mueblerunner said...

JJ beat me to the punch. I thought the Moulton boys might be lacing it up in NYC but Manchester is a good choice.

DoubleJ said...

Casey, not bad for deciding at the last minute and just hopping in there ...you said yourself not too long ago that you weren't ready for any marathons any time soon because you were just training and running mileage without any real focus on anything in the near future... You still hop into one at zero hour and run faster than me ;)... so I personally can't knock you for anything... 146 days until ES20. You got time. The record there is soft ;).

casey said...

doublej - appreciate the comment-thanks